Geek Therapeutics

Inclusive Practices for Incorporating Therapeutic Techniques in LARP
I did a webinar on LARP and therapy for Geek Therapeutics. While the live event is over, the course is available as one of their trainings.
Sex Positivity as a Design Pillar
Game Devs of Color Expo 2020 was all digital, and I was excited to join Naomi Clark, Jonaya Kemper, Sharang Biswas, and Rachel Li to talk about designing games that celebrate sex positivity and consent.
The Model Minority Myth in the Gaming Industry

For PAX Online 2020, I joined Banana Chan, Jeeyon Shim, Victoria Caña, and Ella Galang Ampongan for a panel called The Model Minority Myth in the Gaming Industry. We got to talk about how we navigate the challenges we face in games that are connected to the model minority myth and celebrate each other’s work. You can find a write up about the panel here on Dicebreaker.
Designing Asian Settings and Themes in Games

This panel was at PAX Unplugged 2018. I had the pleasure of talking about how to design games that feature Asian settings and themes alongside Sharang Biswas, James Mendez Hodes, Victoria Caña, and MingYang Lu.
Larpers of Color: Unlocking the Spectrum
I joined an incredible lineup of game designers at Knutpunkt 2018 to talk about inclusive design, how internalized racism manifests in larp spaces, and being able to play your own ethnicity in a game. The other panelists here are Mo Holkar, Aina Sivsdatter, Jonaya Kemper, Ross Cheung, and Kat Jones.